


I’m Melly. Welcome to my blog featuring the best in lifestyle, travel, history and everything interesting!

The Pursuit Of Happiness

The Pursuit Of Happiness

Last year was a tough year but I felt like it helped me mature. There has been a lot of changes, and some things didn’t turned out as planned. Old doors close and new ones open for a different path. That path led me to the pursuit of happiness.

Career Change/ Horrible Job/ Break Up


In late 2017, I was a college student, studying culinary management. Around October I started to realize that I didn’t want to do that major anymore. The first few weeks was denial forcing myself to go to the classes. That only made things worse. I was starting to get depressed, so I finally sat down and asked my mother for advice and help. I decided to take a break from school. I still worked as a cook while on my break from school. That job was absolutely horrible. I got treated and spoken to so wrongly. Who knew that in the 21st century there was so much feminism. At the same time I was going through a break up. Let’s just say 2017 and the beginning of 2018 was NOT my year!!!

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Time For A Change

I was tired of falling down, getting back up, and falling down again. That was enough it was time for a change. So I started looking for a new job. For the break up I would watch YouTube videos to get over it. I also watched a movie called “ How to get over a break up”, on Netflix i recommend it. Thanks to my sisters for the midnight talks that helped me get over this phase. Guys its okay to get help trust me you will feel so much better.



New Job, New Me

I was tired of falling down, getting back up, and falling down again. That was enough it was time for a change. So I started looking for a new job. For the break up I would watch youtube videos to get over it. I also watched a movie called “ How to get over a break up”, on netflix i recommend it. Thanks to my sisters for the midnight talks that helped me get over this phase. Guys its okay to get help trust me you will feel so much better.


 The True Pursuit Of Happiness

Time heals everything. Months passed by now its December 2018. I’m in a interview for a new job. In my interview (my now boss) ask me  “If you could choose any career for your life without getting paid what would it be?”. Mind you at this time I was confused about what I wanted to do with my life. So I told him that, so he asked me what I liked or would like to do, and I said blogging. He asked if i had started blogging, I replied “no”. He told me I should start blogging. I don’t know why but since that interview everything changed for me. Within two weeks I had quit the job i hated and was training for a new one.

Road Trip 22

Road Trip 22

Houston's Best Cafes

Houston's Best Cafes