The Legend of the Cadejo Originates from Quelepa (San Miguel) around 400 BCE. El Cadejo looks like a dog and has deer-like hooves and moves like a deer. There are Two Cadejos. El Cadejo blanco is white with blue eyes. He protects people such as drunks, vagabonds, newborns and people with grudges from evil. El Cadejo Negro has black fur and red eyes that glow and can be as large as a cow. He scares the unfaithful men/women and lures them to make bad choices. Some say it is the devil himself. El Cadejo Negro y Blanco were feternal twin brothers who were born in a lenca settlement. Their Birth was overjoyed by the village because their mother had struggled to give birth to them. One twin was white complected and had blue eyes. The other twin had darker features with brown eyes. When the twins were older they would whistle and scare the village people. One night they met a man, who they hadn’t seen before. He told them he could give them the power for the village people to not recognize them so they could continue to scare them. The Darker Twin agreed. The Twins turned into wolf-like creatures. The white one didn’t see this fit and started protecting the village. The twins were cursed like this for eternity. If you are out in El Salvador between 1 or 2 am and hear a whistle don’t turn back it might be El Cadejo.