


I’m Melly. Welcome to my blog featuring the best in lifestyle, travel, history and everything interesting!

200 Years Of  Independence El Salvador

200 Years Of Independence El Salvador

This year El Salvador will be celebrating it’s 200 years of Independence. In honor of the celebration I will be blogging about the country’s history. I will upload blogs bi-weekly. The beginning of each month I will upload a detailed blog about an era. Within the month I will write biographies of the Salvadorian people that have made an impression on me or a great importance for that era. The blogs will be posted on Sundays. During the holidays I will do special blogs on the traditional ways the holidays are celebrated or stories of those holidays. For example on Halloween I will post about Salvadorian legends and haunting stories.

The Country of El Salvador

The Country of El Salvador

Central America

Central America

Most people don’t know where El Salvador is located. Many assume it is a state of Mexico but that is incorrect. El Salvador is the smallest country in Central America. The capital is San Salvador. The country consist of 14 departments.

  1. Ahuachapan

  2. Cabañas

  3. Chalatenango

  4. Cuscatlan

  5. La Libertad

  6. La Paz

  7. La Union

  8. Morazan

  9. San Miguel

  10. San Salvador

  11. San Vicente

  12. Santa Ana

  13. Sonosonate

  14. Usulutan

Tazumal, El Salvador

Tazumal, El Salvador

The First Indigenous group Of El Salvador was the Lenka. The Second group was the Olmeks. The third group was the Mayans. The Mayans left when the Yopongo volcano erupted. The Last Indigineos group were the Pipil.

Pedro De Alvarado, Spanish Conquistador

Pedro De Alvarado, Spanish Conquistador

Admiral Andres Niño was the first known Spaniard to discover El Salvador. He arrived to the Golfo de Fonseca on May 31, 1522. Three years later Pedro De Alvarado conquered El Salvador from the Pipil. During the Colonial period El Salvador was part of Guatemala.

On November 1811, Jose Mattias Delgado rang the bells of La Iglesia de Merced for insurrection starting an independence movement. On September 15 1821 El Salvador won it’s independence. Around the 1920s and 1930s El Salvador was a communist country.


In 1969 The football war occured. The Salvadorian civil war started shortly afterwards. The war lasted 12 years. President Alfredo and the FMLN finally signed for peace on January 16, 1992.

Nayib Bukele, Current Salvadorian President

Nayib Bukele, Current Salvadorian President

The Country gone through so many changes since then . El Salvador has been thriving since 2019 when its current president Nayib Bukele was elected. He has opened new hospital. Changed the housing system and the country is currently getting more tourist to visit the Country.

In honor of Spanish heritage month and and the 200th anniversary of El Salvador’s Independence, I would like to dedicate this blog to my parents and grandparents. I am so thankful for my grandmother who taught me the history of El Salvador. I am proud of my heritage and I hope the knowledge I have learned will help others understand the country’s history and see it more than just a country of gangs and violence when it is so rich in history and strong people.

-with a lot of love ,Melly

Spooktacular Myths & Legends of El Salvador

Spooktacular Myths & Legends of El Salvador

The Spanish Princess

The Spanish Princess